Sergeant Jim Bellos is the Queensland Police Service’s cross-cultural liaison officer for southern Brisbane, an area home to 200 communities speaking 150 languages and practising more than 130 religions. Over the years, Jim has built a relationship of trust, respect and understanding between these communities and the police. With endless energy and enthusiasm he establishes community consultative groups, organises multi-faith dinners, supports people through personal and family tragedy and best known of all, runs the For the Love of the Game program. Through the shared enjoyment of sport, particularly soccer, the program brings together more than 8,000 young people from diverse backgrounds and is a real catalyst in breaking down barriers, and has resulted in a substantial decline in youth crime. When the 2011 floods devastated a local sporting store Jim returned from holidays and gathered together 400 volunteers to clean up. On call 24 hours a day, seven days a week Jim’s voluntary work extends far beyond his core work responsibilities.