Saba Abraham OAM

Community leader, founder and Manager of social enterprise Mu’ooz Restaurant & Catering

2022 QLD Local Hero

Since arriving in Australia as a refugee from Eritrea, Saba Abraham has dedicated her time to supporting other refugees, uplifting her community, and building multiculturalism more broadly in Australia.

During the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, Saba played a vital role in preventing its spread in Queensland as the Chairperson of the Brisbane Community Leaders Gathering. The group of leaders from culturally and linguistically diverse communities ensured public health messages were translated directly into a range of languages so that all people could receive detailed and timely information.

In addition, Saba is the founder and Manager of Mu’ooz Restaurant in Brisbane’s West End. Since 2003, the not-for-profit social enterprise restaurant and catering business has provided employment and training opportunities for women who have arrived as refugees. Since inception, Mu'ooz has trained and employed more than 270 women.

Saba’s caring, compassionate and loving leadership has earned her the title 'Mama Saba', an honorary expression that recognises everything she does for her community.