Raelene Wlochowicz retired in 2019 after 28 years working in the youth justice system. Needing something to fill her time, she founded the first women’s shed in the northern Adelaide suburb of Playford, South Australia. There are hundreds of men’s sheds across Australia and 85 in South Australia alone – yet not many for women.
Opened in March 2020, the Playford Women’s Shed provides a safe, supportive and friendly environment for women of all ages, backgrounds and cultures. The Shed offers a place for women to gather, volunteer, work, teach, learn and enjoy the company of other women.
Whether it be for safety, love, friendship or just a hug, Raelene puts herself out there to help any woman or child who needs it. Raelene has brought together women from all walks of life to share their skills and knowledge in classes and programs that promote self-esteem and the independence of those who are a part of the community that is the Playford Women’s Shed.