Adjunct Professor Adam Scott’s work has changed the way healthcare is delivered to under-resourced areas of Australia.
As the director of cardiac sciences at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Adam created the Cardiovascular Telemedicine Program in Rural Australia. This was developed in response to the long wait times for rural and remote patients who experience higher rates of cardiovascular disease.
The program was launched in 2017 using purpose-made remote control technology to investigate the cardiac health of these patients.
In 2011, Adam set up the White Cloud Foundation (WCF), a mental health charity that removes the barriers to accessing treatment for anxiety and depression. Through its many different services WCF has helped thousands of Australians.
Adam created the Tele-Mental Health service, offering free access to multi-disciplinary treatment to Queenslanders, and has partnered with 16 state and national sporting associations to offer this service. Adam also has a PhD in cardiology.